Coaching Course Reimbursement Request (Barrie Women's Hockey Association)

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Coaching Course Reimbursement Request
Please ensure you have reviewed the BWHA's Coach Course Reimbursement Process information in full, before completing and submitting all information below. If multiple courses have been completed and are eligible for reimbursement, please submit a separate form for each course.

Your Information:

Please enter your details in this section.

Team Information

Please select the team you are rostered to.

Course Information

Please enter details for the course you are submitting for reimbursement.

I acknowledge that I have reviewed the BWHA's Coach Course Reimbursement Process and that this request for reimbursement complies with all aspects of the process.
I hereby attest that the invoice submitted is for the course as indicated above. Furthermore I confirm that I paid these expenses with my own fund sand that I have not been, and will not be, reimbursed for these expenses by the BWHA, by any BWHA team, or by any other organization or program.