Welcome To Tryouts !!, News, U13-AA #115 (ARSENAULT), U13, Comp (Barrie Women's Hockey Association)

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Apr 15, 2024 | Brad Arsenault | 1152 views
Welcome To Tryouts !!
Please find all the tryout details in the article.

Our names are Erin and Brad Arsenault and we are honoured to be able to coach the U13AA Barrie Sharks.

Below you will find information related to the 2024/2025 U13AA Barrie Sharks, including information on tryout process, schedule, and evaluation criteria. We would like to thank all athletes and parents in advance for participating in the tryout process. We understand that this can be a stressful time for many families, please encourage your young athletes to do their very best and enjoy the process.

TRYOUT SCHEDULE  - Due to the number of players registered, we have decided on 3 - 60 min sessions for the first night to ensure player safety and improved evaluations.

  • Wednesday April 17th @ 5:30 pm (1 hr) – IRC– Red (Group A)

  • Wednesday April 17th @ 6:30 pm (1 hr) – IRC– Red (Group B)

  • Wednesday April 17th @ 7:30 pm (1 hr) - IRC - Red (Group C)

  • Thursday April 18th @ 5:00 pm (1.5 hrs) – East Bayfield – Green

  • Friday April 19th @ 5:00 pm (1.5 hrs) – Allandale – Blue

  • Saturday April 20th @1:00 pm (1.5 hrs) – East Bayfield - Green


  1. You must pre-register your child on-line (BWHA Website) for the upcoming season.

  2. Please arrive at least 30 minutes before the tryout begins.

  3. When you arrive at the arena please go to the sign-in table and receive your players tryout jersey.

  4. Full protective gear is mandatory, including neck – players without, or missing such equipment, will NOT be allowed on the ice.

  5. You must attend the first tryout in order to be invited back to the second, third and fourth tryout.

  6. There will be a team of independent evaluators who will be assisting me with assessing the players.

  7. During and after the tryout, please do NOT approach the evaluators, as they have a job to do.

  1. Communication of my decisions after each tryout will occur via the website. Your players tryout ID is your code that identifies you on the website.

After the 1st tryout results will be posted 1.5 hours after the Group C session
After 2nd & 3rd tryouts, results will be posted 1.5 hours after each session
After the final tryout, results will be posted 2 hours after the tryout is completed. 

I am aware that some players (and/or their parents) may experience anxiety during this process. PLEASE kindly reinforce with your player that they perform at their best when feeling relaxed and confident. It is also important for parents to help manage their young athlete’s expectations during this process. A roster position on this team should never be assumed. Let’s all make the tryout process an enjoyable one!  


A group of impartial evaluators has been assembled. Together we will collectively evaluate players on the following core competencies;

  • Skating

  • Puck control

  • Shooting/passing

  • Positioning 

  • Hockey IQ 

  • Desire/Compete level

  • Goalie Skills

  • Work ethic

  • Attitude

After each tryout, a list of players (by their registration Tryout ID) will be posted on the BWHA U13AA team site indicating players that have been asked back to the next tryout.  If a player’s registration Tryout ID is NOT listed, they are encouraged to attend the U13A tryouts. The 2024 -2025 roster will include a minimum of 15 skaters and 2 goalies. 


Once the team has been selected, we will finalize key roles that include our team Manager,  2 assistant coaches, 1 trainer and 1 treasurer to the staff. 


While we appreciate player and parent position preferences, please note that the coaching staff will determine all player positions for the upcoming season. 


The 2024/2025 season will officially begin in September, with some pre-season activities in late August. The schedule will consist of approximately 1-2 games per week and at least 2 practices a week and midseason development nights. In addition, we expect to enter 4-5 tournaments, all of which will be local. Budget outlines have not yet been completed, but we expect it will cost approximately $3000 per player for the 2024/2025 season.

Parents may be called upon to obtain sponsorship and organize fundraising activities to help offset these costs and to support the team. Rep hockey is a serious commitment, we encourage you to give consideration to these requirements before the tryout process. While the commitments are significant, rep hockey is an extremely rewarding experience for both athletes and families.     


  • Team Fitting: May 1st @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

  • Parent & Player Meeting: May 5th @ 10:00 am (approximately 1 hour)

  • Training Camp: 3 half days, Last Week of August

 Thank you again for participating, and good luck to all players! 

Coach Erin & Coach Brad 

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